Describe a haunted house from the perspective of someone who just moved in.
I've always wanted to live in a haunted house. Dan, the estate agent, had visited about 50 different flats and houses with me, and every time I would ask, "So, who died here? Is there activity?", and every time it would be a no or something as mundane as a:
"Yes, Miss Laud, this older man died in his sleep."
Not good enough I'd say. I want something juicy. A murder; a poisoning, an ancient burial ground? Is that too much to ask?
But when we came to this one, he finally said yes. He was hesitant about it as if he didn't want to tell me. He would keep pausing, umming and ahhing with everything he said; almost as if the phrases just couldn't come to mind from its horrific nightmare of a tale.
Apparently, in a small fireplace in the living room, back in the 1800s a man was stuck in the fireplace and his wife lit the flames. He screamed out and she tried to stop it but the flames wouldn't go out. He was well and truly stuck and burnt alive! I mean, I didn't think this flat had been around in the 1800s, and it didn't look as if it had space for a fireplace. It must have had one hell of a makeover after the incident. If that death wasn't a trigger for a ghost in its halls, I don't know what else would be!
Today is my first night here. I have moved some of the furniture, well… I've moved in my bed and had the wifi installed and I am currently sitting here bundled in blankets on the mattress writing. I want to start a blog of my time in this house, maybe I'll call it Burnt Ghosts or… Taylor's Fireplace? Make it all cosy and then hit them with all the spooky stuff I will encounter.
I wonder if I'll see stuff tonight? Maybe they'll be shy but after tomorrow I can imagine all sorts of apparitions and orbs. I wonder if the ghost will make the place smell of burnt humans. I think if I can get some of it written down then Zak Bagens will surely be interested in coming and spending the night… Oh, what a dream that would be. Ghost hunting through the night with him.
Ignore that. I didn't say that. I am a professional ghost hunter extraordinaire who lives in a haunted house just like Ed and Lorraine Warren.
Maybe I could start my own collection of evil objects? Make the activity even higher and give Greg a friend. That's what I've called the fireplace ghost; Greg. Or well, at least at the moment he's Greg. Maybe once he shows his face in a few days I will have a new name for him or he might whisper his name while I'm trying to sleep.
I will keep you updated on Greg and my haunted house. I hope it all starts tonight.